Our Essential Philosophical Principles

Direct Access to Intellectual Capital – Other advisors often put their own experience at the forefront and ignore the many resources of the firm.  Our responsibility is to act as your engagement team, intimately understanding your current situation, family dynamics, and future aspirations.  We take this information and connect you to the appropriate professionals within the firm.  We get to know you, prepare the analyses, and implement the appropriate strategies.

Tactical vs. Strategic Adjustments – While we do not promote market timing, it is imperative that one should stay nimble.  Part of our responsibility is to maneuver through market volatility.  Considering the large amount of data, news flow, globalization, and ever-increasing investment choices, it is necessary to evaluate a wide range of potential scenarios.  We believe that simply letting a portfolio sit unmanaged is unlikely to yield the desired result.  Active monitoring, endeavoring to put you in front of potential opportunities, and navigating away from danger are reasons why you should hire an advisor in the first place.

Minimizing Fees and Taxes – A low-cost fee structure and tax efficient model may help build wealth over time.  Short-term investing may not be tax efficient, since short-term gains are generally taxed at a higher rate.  As a result, long-term gains can be an easy way to put more money in your pocket instead of the IRS's.  Furthermore, with a lower fee structure, you could keep more of the return for yourself.

Risk-Adjusted Returns – While upside outperformance is wonderful, we believe downside risk mitigation is equally important.  Siegel's paradox states that you need a 100% return to recapture a 50% loss.  That is why we believe wealth preservation is paramount.  You have worked your entire life to accumulate wealth – we do our best to help you keep it.

Our job is not simply to invest your money – it is to help you manage your wealth.  Think about the difference.

Neither Stifel nor its associates provide tax or legal advice.  You should consult with your tax or legal advisor regarding your particular situation.