Our Code of Accountability








  1. The Parker Group clients are the most important people in our office, whether they are visiting in person, by e-mail, or by phone.  They deserve a timely response to all inquiries or requests.
  2. The Parker Group clients are not an interruption of our work – they are the purpose of it.  We are not doing them a favor by handling their inquiries – they are doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to earn their business.
  3. All clients are entitled to a semi-annual progress report and an annual review where a complete status report is provided.
  4. All members of The Parker Group will interact with clients in a pleasant manner and with respect.
  5. The Parker Group will hold with strictest confidence, and consider as privileged, all business and personal information pertaining to our clients' affairs.
  6. In order to provide our clients with an optimal level of service, we expect our clients to be continuously forthcoming with all relevant financial information.
  7. If a client is displeased with any element of our experience, we expect the courtesy of a timely notification so that we may address the issue.
  8. If all our clients' expectations are met and they are satisfied with our service, The Parker Group anticipates that our clients will introduce others who they feel may also benefit from our services (e.g., friends, family, and co-workers).